Uh, hello I guess

I'm Oi, but I tend to go by DespOIcito in terms of account-y stuff.
No, I don't know why I made this carrd. /lh

Pretty much all of the buttons are a WIP, but the site is public so I can source things I've made on the LGBTA Wikia bfgirtgbsoihgio

You can visit the other stuff if you want, but it probably isn't fully complete yet. Don't expect it to perfectly describe me /lh

I don't really have a DNI or BYI? But I'm a radinclus and support all identities I believe are good-faith and do not cause harm to others. Yes, that's very vague, but if you need something more concrete feel free to just ask me, I guess!
Discord: Donna from Tesco#3105

About Me

Hallo! I'm Oi, a 19 year old from the UK. I'm autistic and [very queer]. The brief TL;DR is that I'm ace, heteroflexible, cis, genderqueer, xenic, and a woman. I use any pronouns and I'm comfortable being perceived as feminine or a cis woman to people I'm not out to.
Despite being terrible with social interactions and extremely shy, I'm actually very extroverted and love talking to people. I don't have many friends (read: any...) but I'd love to make some! If you have any interests in common with my [hyperfixations or special interests] I'm sure we'll get on great! Emphasis on hyperfixations though because I am Not Normal about TF2 and I will implode if I find someone to play it with me. Double implode if you enjoy MVM and we double queue Boot Camp together. Maybe even gamble in Mann Up... (let's not actually. be safe with your money, gamble responsibly, etc etc. never gamble more than youre willing to lose)I make terms and flags sometimes. Usually if I'm hyperfixated on something. I wanna start making little MVM infographic-type guides to make reading more fun and hopefully teach at least one f2p pyro to stop spamming airblast youre not helping by making the robots harder to hit oh my god you just crushed the dispenser and killed heavy with the sentry buster what the fuck is wrong with you stop throwing gas you urchin theres no littlebots to kill
I mean uh... robot murder! Amirite! Sorry I promise I'm not one of the toxic high tours, I just hate it when beginners make mistakes and don't listen to the people who know what they're doing and are actively telling them they're making that mistake. I know there's plenty of guides out there for MVM but most of them are long Steam guides (which is fine, good to be thorough) but I worry people just... won't care enough to read them if they're only interested in Mann-Up loot instead of the gameplay. At least short little cards are more likely to get read. I plan to repost them to Reddit when my Reddit account is less new (r/TF2 has a karma requirement or account age requirement, not sure which. My first guide didn't post there but my account was literally a day old so I wasn't too surprised. For now they just go in r/MVM)
I got a bit off-topic, sorrgy (/reference)
I'm not really sure what else to say about me tbh. My taste in music is all over the place, but I like videogame OSTs and Fanmade Rap Battles (ERB but better. No shade to ERB I just enjoy fan stuff more). I'm not very good at art or SFM which sucks when I need to make art 24/7 for my hyperfix right now or else :( Unless people like "comics" which are just SFM screenshots I think I'm out of luck
I'm also in a relationship! My partner is the best :) I don't like talking about irl stuff too much online but he's the best and I'd gladly sit and gush about him if I somehow had even less self-awareness. I don't know what else to talk about now though. Maybe read the other pages? (/not forced)


I use a lot of labels. Autism loves labelling things. /lh
I'm gonna list all the terms I'm comfortable using in order of sexuality, gender, pronouns, and misc. labels. They will then also be in alphabetical order because it's "neater" that way I guess?

This page is a WIP, so I won't have every label, definition, etc. on it yet. Sorry! /g

Aromantic Spectrum - A person who is not alloromantic; someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction or only feels romantic attraction in certain circumstances.

Asexual - A person who experiences little to no sexual attraction.

Asexual Spectrum - A person who is not allosexual; someone who experiences little to no sexual attraction or only feels sexual attraction in certain circumstances.

Delloaesthetic - Demiaesthetic attraction to some genders and alloaesthetic attraction to other genders. In my case, I'm alloaesthetic towards feminine and androgynous presentation, but demiaesthetic towards men.

Demisexual - A person who is asexual until they have a strong emotional bond with someone. This can often take needing to know a person for weeks, months, or years before attraction is felt.

Demiromantic - A person who is aromantic until they have a strong emotional bond with someone. This can often take needing to know a person for weeks, months, or years before attraction is felt.

Heteroflexible - A person who is mostly heterosexual, but can rarely experience attraction to same/similar genders.

Heterosexual - A person who is attracted to genders other than their own or dissimilar genders.

Multisexual Spectrum - Any orientation which involves attraction to two or more genders. Mostly interchangeable with "bisexual umbrella".

Omniplatonic - Experiences platonic attraction to all genders, but gender is a factor in attraction. For me, I tend to experience platonic attraction to men more often.


Autigender - A person whose gender can only be understood in the context of being autistic, or when a person's autism affects their gender/experiences with gender.

Cisgender - A person whose gender matches the one they were assigned at birth.

Concegender - A subset of genderfluid for when a person can't tell when their gender changes, so they have to concentrate on it to determine what it is/if it has changed.

Genderfluid - A person whose gender changes.

Gendersylphet - A subset of genderfluid to refer to only experiencing fem-aligned or xenic genders. Gendersylphet people never feel like either binary gender or male-aligned. However, they can experience being non-binary or being genderless.

Genderqueer - Any gender that is non-conformant; similar to non-binary.

Schrodigender - A gender that you can feel and not feel at the same time. (There are two definitions of Schrodigender, but I use that one)

Xenogender - A gender that can best be described through things not typically associated with gender (e.g. nouns, concepts or feelings).


Neopronouns - Pronouns outside of he/him, she/her, they/them and sometimes it/its (it/its sits in a "grey area" between neopronoun and non-neopronoun).

Panpronomial - A person who uses all pronouns. This includes both "standard" pronouns (he/she/they) and neopronouns.


Autistic/ASD - Short for Autism Spectrum Disorder; a person who has deficits in communication, restricted/repetitive behaviours/interests and hyper- or hypo- reactivity to stimuli (sensory issues).

Age Dreamer - A person who acts like a child, does childish things, etc. without actually mentally regressing into a younger age; voluntarily choosing to act younger than your age. Similar to age regression.

LGBTQ+ - A community for those who do not conform in their sexuality, gender, etc. (those who aren't cisgender, heterosexual/romantic, allosexual/romantic, perisex, etc.).

Neurodivergent - A person whose brain is different from the norm (neurotypical); a person with a mental illness, disorder, etc.

Perisex - Not intersex. I'm AFAB/mullerian.

Singlet - Not plural or a system; only one person in my body.

White - Dictionary says "belonging to or denoting a human group having light-coloured skin". I'm not a POC.

Because of good old neurodivergency, I have both hyperfixations and special interests ^^


☆ Team Fortress 2,,,, I'm a Medic main and a massive MVM tryhard (Bootcamp only though. I would've lost so much money if I gambled on Mann-Up)

Special Interests

☆ Undertale / Deltarune

☆ Rhythm Heaven

☆ Tetris

☆ Puyo Puyo

☆ Animal Crossing

☆ LGBTQ+ identities and labels

☆ The asexual/aromantic spectrum and any a-spec labels

Cool things that are regular interests lmao

☆ Omori (game in general, but Basil's my favourite character)

☆ Stardew Valley, Minecraft, games like that and AC which are pretty "chill" and fun

☆ My husband? Can I say my partner? He's very cute and I love him please marry me I love you /r

☆ Don't Starve Together (Warly my beloved /p)
I think I just like playing support roles in games lmao

I, uh... Have a lot of squicks /lh
As they're not triggers, I'm okay with these being brought up/not being censored/etc., but extensive conversation about them will make me uncomfortable /npa /info
No, I don't really have a reason to list these. I just wanted to anyway /lh


☆ Alcohol (or any drugs really, even medicinal ones fsr). This is the closest to a trigger I'm ever gonna get, I have pharmacophobia and trauma
☆ Shouting/excessive caps

☆ Bugs (flies in particular)

☆ Anything sexual (innuendo, sexual jokes, sexual content, anything)

☆ Any slurs, even those that don't apply to me (it's very valid to reclaim slurs against you, but I'm still not comfortable hearing them /npa)

☆ Jokes that punch up towards conformant groups/identities (I recognise that they're just jokes and a way for those who are oppressed to combat their oppressors, but I still think switching out [conformant demographic] with [discriminatory group] is infinitely better. It also doesn't help that a lot of the time non-conformant groups can be discriminatory and conformant groups can be supportive, so it just makes more sense to me to say what you actually mean /nm)

☆ Kenopsia or "the backrooms"

☆ The word "chunk", "chunks" or "chunky". I don't mind them if in the context of Minecraft chunks, but outside of that context it makes me so uncomfortable to even type /hj

☆ Similarly, the word "moist" in any context. Stop saying it /hj

☆ Jokes where the punchline is just "hehe mental illness", especially the weird trend of calling everything schizophrenia? Come on Reddit, do better /neu

There are definitely more than what I've listed here, just can't think of them off the top of my head
Will add to this list eventually !!

Please Note!
This page will contain both terms I have created and flags I have made for other terms. This is not me saying I am the creator of every term included on this page, and I will clarify whether I made both the flag and the term or just a flag for it for everything listed.

Everything here is listed alphabetically.

Aprespronominal (Term + Flag)

Definition: Aprespronominal is a term for when a person only feels comfortable being referred to with certain pronouns by people close to them. People who are not close to the person cannot use those pronouns, and would instead use different or no pronouns for this person.

I had a discussion with another user on the LGBTA+ Wiki Discord on the 20th of January, 2023 about this term. They were looking for a term with this definition, and I came up with the name aprespronominal. We DMed and agreed that I could coin it and put it on my carrd.

It's not a term I experience but it does feel quite common, so I'm surprised this doesn't already exist (well, I couldn't find anything). I searched "aprespronomial" and got zero results on Google, so unless it goes by another name this term hasn't been made yet. I hope this is useful for some people!! /g
I think the definition of "people close to you" is a bit vague, but I don't want the definition to be too strict. It's meant to be a broad term, so "person close to you" is completely subjective and it's up to the person identifying with the label to determine what "people close to you" means.

For the flag, I looked up which colours represent connection, and found that green typically represented this. I felt "connection" was important symbolism because of only using certain pronouns when you have a connection with that person. The pink was just inverting the green, with a gradient into black. The pink was to represent how people without that connection cannot use said pronouns for the individual. The black/grey is supposed to represent the absence of pronouns if you don't have that bond with the person. It is technically dark grey (R32 G32 B32) to make the gradient look nicer on the eyes.

Flag: The flag was created by Miraheze user DespOIcito on the same day the term was coined.
The green represents the connection that is required to use certain pronouns. The pink is an inversion of the green, to represent how not having that connection means you cannot use those pronouns. The black represents the absence of that pronoun if you are not close to the person.

Discordgender (Flag)

Definition: Discordgender is a xenogender in which ones gender feels connected the social media site, Discord. As such, it may be considered a subset of sociagender. Discordgender can refer to both incorporating Discord into your gender identity to better understand/explain it, or having your gender be influenced by using Discord.

Recently, I very briefly hyperfixated on the LGBTA+ Wikia (mainly the Discord server tbf) and ended up going to the "Pages With No History Section" category. I ended up searching "gender" in that category via ctrl+f and started trying to find the history behind a few xenogenders that stood out to me (who coined it, when they coined it, where they coined it and in some cases why they did so). I was also trying to add sources if the page didn't have any. The list is sorted alphabetically, so Discordgender was near the top.

I ended up realising that none of the discordgender flags had the new discord logo on, which I found really weird. I know people initially didn't like the discord logo change (parts of the logo were uneven, I'm glad they changed it /srs), but figured that the flag should really have an alternative to account for the changes to Discord's logo and blurple shade.
For some reason, I couldn't find a shade anywhere near as bright as the ones used on the other flags when searching for Discord's old blurple. The colour I used was the lightest shade I could find of someone posting the old blurple colour. I also found it odd that none of the flags incorporated the Discord notification/ping colour, so I added that as a centre stripe. I made the flag due to wanting to add these changes that had happened to Discord, but partially also due to the second discordgender flag lacking a source and having... odd... colour meanings (why does one of the colours on a flag for a non-exclusive gender represent homosexuality? /conf /nbr)

Flag: An alternative to [the third flag] was created by Miraheze user DespOIcito on the 3rd of March, 2022. This flag was created due to none of the existing discordgender flags containing the new Discord logo. The top blurple stripe is the current Discord blurple, the centre blurple stripe is a blend between the two shades, and the light blurple stripe is the previous Discord blurple. The red stripe is the colour of a Discord notification or ping.

Dysphoric Cis Individuals or DCIs (Flag)

Definition: A dysphoric cis individual (DCI), also known as a Cis Individual Experiencing Dysphoria (CIED) is someone who experiences gender dysphoria yet does not identify as transgender, non-binary, or transsex for a variety of reasons.

I created a flag for this term on the 3rd of March, 2022, as I was browsing the "Flagless Identities" category and found that DCI didn't have a flag. I'm questioning whether or not I'm a DCI, so seeing it didn't have a flag threw me off. /lh
I decided to follow the "format" of flags like heteroflexible to show that although the individual was cisgender, they also experienced dysphoria, which is usually not considered a cisgender experience. To me at least, this was parallel enough to terms like heteroflexible to justify the "format" ("although the individual is hetero, they also experience attraction to same/similar genders, which is usually not considered a hetero experience").
I used the greyscale cisgender flag due to a personal belief/preference that conformant flags should use greyscale to emphasise that they are not pride flags, they are just flags. I also think that the cisgender flag I used is more well-known. The stripe in the centre is the flag for gender dysphoria.

Flag: The flag was created by Miraheze user DespOIcito on the 3rd of April, 2022, after seeing that a flag did not yet exist for this term. It is the same as the cisgender flag, but with a centre stripe to represent gender dysphoria (using the dysphoria flag).

Flaggender (Term)

Definition: The second definition [of flaggender] is where a person feels as if their gender is connected to a flag. This term was created with pride flags in mind, but can be used if a person's gender is best described through any type of flag. This definition could be similar to orientationgender, but differs in that it is only a connection to a flag, and not necessarily tied to a person's orientation. Flaggender is also different as it is possible for this gender to be connected to flags besides orientation pride flags (e.g. a gender pride flag).

I created the second definition for this term on the 29th of March, 2022, because I felt as if my gender was connected to the myrsexual flag despite me not identifying with myrsexuality (I do have multiple acespec identities though!). I decided to make this term as although I could have used orientationgender, I wanted to make a term in case myself or someone else experienced this with a term they did not identify with (e.g. an allosexual person feeling a gender connected to an asexual identity).

Flag: The flag was created by Tumblr user mogai-monarchs on or before the 20th of July, 2020. The different colours of the flag were used to represent the connections to different genders.

Heteroflexible (Flag)

Definition: Heteroflexible or Elasexual is used to describe an individual who is generally straight/heterosexual/heteroromantic and primarily experiences attraction to the "opposite" gender/dissimilar genders, but is occasionally attracted to the same or similar gender[s].

I highly doubt my version of the flag is original (in fact, I'm almost certain I've seen it before) but I couldn't find it on the wiki or when searching for heteroflexible.
I made this flag on the 12th of March, 2022. It's the black and white heterosexual flag but with a rainbow stripe to represent the occasional/infrequent attraction to same/similar genders. I made it due to having a preference for the black & white flag, and due to thinking that this flag features the most well-known heterosexual flag.

Mariogender (Flag)

Definition: Mariogender is a gamegender in which someone feels a strong connection to Mario or other Nintendo characters. This can include either strongly identifying with them, or simply wanting to incorporate them into their gender to better understand their identity.

This term was apparently created by a person on Twitter (according to a carrd for mariogender, so make of that what you will /npa /info), but the account mentioned in the carrd was either deleted or never existed.
I created an alternate Mariogender flag because the only flags listed at the time had very bright colours (the flags made by the term creator were not listed at all). I initially posted it in the comments on FANDOM, but I don't have the exact date of when I did this. The file for the flag I made was listed as "last updated" on the 27th of September of 2021, so I decided to put "on or before" that date on Miraheze.
I got the colours for Mariogender by colour-picking from a picture of Mario.

Flag: The colours were chosen match the colours typically seen on Mario, with the Mario "M" logo in the centre.

MVMgender (Term + Flag)

Definition: MannVsMachinegender or MVMgender is a xenogender associated with the Team Fortress 2 gamemode of Mann Vs Machine. This may involve incorporating various aspects of MVM gameplay into your gender such as destroying robots, the atmosphere of MVM maps, a connection to the robots seen in MVM or a connection to the PvE gameplay.

I promise I'm normal about TF2! I promise I didn't hyperfixate on MVM and now I play it obsessively every day! Oopsy
This one links to my Tumblr instead of the LGBTA Wiki because there's like... 20 flags. I made a bunch of MVMcharic genders for each merc's robot form (and sentry busters). It's too long for this carrd, just go there if you're interested. I could upload it all to the wiki but it'd take forever. Meh it's fine I'm sure I'll do it one day

Flag: The colours were colourpicked from the official TF2 palette and from robot sprites. I might have desaturated them to make them appear more grey and metallic (I think I did but I don't remember LOL). The yellow was not desaturated and is directly from the TF2 palette. TF2 logo in the centre because it's the easiest way to convey "this gender is tf2 related" and also means I can easily replace it with class emblems for the MVMcharic genders.

Puyopuyotetrisgender (Term + Flag)

Definition: Puyopuyotetrisgender is a gamegender relating to Puyo Puyo Tetris. This can involve either feeling as if a person's gender is connected to the Puyo Puyo Tetris games/characters, or incorporating Puyo Puyo Tetris into their gender in order to better understand it.
Another definition for puyopuyotetrisgender could be a combination of puyogender and tetrisgender.

I created this term on the 22nd of April, 2022, because although I have experienced puyogender and tetrisgender alone, I've also sometimes felt them simultaneously. I've also sometimes felt a gender that I could only describe as being related to the PPT games or characters (why was Tee gender for a solid 30 minutes? pls /lh).

To be completely honest, I'm not too fond of the flag I made? I made it much later than the term because I couldn't figure out how to actually make it. I like my idea of taking the cross from PPT2 and putting puyos/minos on it, but I really don't like my execution of that idea. It probably doesn't help that I had to make it in Paint 3D with a mouse. Feel free to make an alt flag for this if you have any ideas! You can also just use my idea if you want /g /nf

Flag: The flag was created by Miraheze user DespOIcito on the 17th of July, 2022. The blue cross is taken from the Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 cover. The left of the flag has five Puyos to represent the connection to Puyo Puyo, and the right half of the flag has seven Minos in the Tetrimino colours to represent the connection to Tetris.

Spiralgender (Term + Flag)

Definition: Spiralgender is a xenogender that feels as if it is like a spiral or swirl. It is an intense gender that usually feels dark and negative. It may also feel as if your gender is spinning at uncontrollable speeds.

I created this term on the 23rd of May, 2021, because I couldn't find a gender term that fit my gender at that time. I created the flag the day after because I couldn't figure out what colours to use until the next day. /lh

I created the alternate flag for this on the 5th of April, 2022. I had noticed that the page for it on my phone showed the flag as being completely black a while earlier, but only decided to actually create an alternative flag on that date. I do want the colours to actually be visible, even if they're extremely dark. /lh

Flag: The black represents the negativity or darkness surrounding spiralgender.
The dark orange is an inversion of light blue, which represents calmness/peacefulness. Therefore, the dark orange represents the chaotic nature of being this gender.
The dark purple represents a sense of unease related to spiralgender.
The dark blue is an inversion of beige, which is typically seen as a dull colour. Therefore, the dark blue represents the intensity at which this gender is typically felt.

An alternative flag was created by Miraheze user DespOIcito on the 5th of April, 2022. This flag features slightly brightened colours to make them more visible.

Tetrisgender (Term + Flag)

Definition: The second definition [of tetrisgender] is where a person feels as if their gender is connected to the game of Tetris itself, or incorporates Tetris into their gender to better understand/explain it. Like the first definition, it is also a subset of gamegender. It could involve a connection to a certain piece from Tetris, but it does not have to.

I created the second definition for this term on the 8th of November, 2021, because my gender felt connected to the game Tetris. The first definition of Tetris did not involve any connection to the game, and instead likened a person's gender to "gradually stacking up" before being removed, similar to how lines are cleared in Tetris.
I also created a different flag for it on the same day, as the first flag had incorrect colours for the Tetris pieces. I was hyperfixated on Tetris at this time (it's one of my special interests now) and it did - well, it still does - annoy me to no end that the first flag used the incorrect colours. /hyp /hj

Flag: The second flag was created on the 8th of November, 2021 by Miraheze user DespOIcito. It depicts a PCO (Perfect Clear Opener) and was created at the same time the term was coined. The colours used match the typical colours of the Tetris pieces.